Friday, November 13, 2009

Our Modem

Now that we have a modem (a.k.a. sky card) we can post blog posts without having to type them on a computer (in text format) and then putting them on my dad's blackberry and post using e-mail. We can just plug it into a computer and post from there.
The way we post from a blackberry is by typing on the computer then putting it on the blackberry.then, using a secret e-mail address we can put it on the blog. This is a great nuisance. another way is to type it on the blackberry, then use the e-mail address. This is also a nuisance.
We can so use it for the things that you always use internet for. I once used it for research. I also used it for Google maps. another is for looking at the Holy Comforter website.
For those who don't know, a thing like this can be useful.

--by Rigel

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