Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Annual arrival
Also, I am posting using the WiFi that we found here. It's weak, but fast, perfect for out needs. Orion is up top, using his computer. Well, he's down now. Daddy is away, doing stuff with miss Edee. So, Orion and I are alone on the boat.
--By Rigel
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Back to Gibraltar
Mediterranean. For the last two months or so we have been trying to get
to this port. We have had contrary winds for the last bit, and we are
all very tired. On the trip from Almeria, I got up and stood watch with
Dad for an hour, and that was really exhausting. Last night we motored
around the Rock and anchored in La Linea, the harbor right next to
Gibraltar, except part of Spain. We all then got out drinks and
celebrated our arrival at our long awaited destination. Now we are
totally refueled, and tied up comfortably in the new and empty La Linea
marina. It's a good place to be, almost new, and well protected against
just about every wind direction. I'm glad to be back, and even more
excited with Mom coming in just four days.
--Orion Date
The Alhambra
three days. On the first we went to Grenada. I will go into the second
and third in my next entry. We had to get up at seven in the morning to
make our train, which was a two hour ride from the Almeria station to
Grenada. It was chilly there. This was mainly because we were up in the
Sierra Nevada, the nearby mountain range. We saw a big field of huge
windmills on the train, they were awesome. We got to Grenada at about
eleven, and started walking towards the giant castle that was the
Alhambra. As we found out, the Alhambra is a giant Moorish castle with
numerous palaces clustered together and a big fortress on the end of it.
In the other part it was a large garden that was built after Ferdinand
and Isabella reconquered Spain. One of the really cool things there is a
very special room with a roped off area in the middle. We found out
after that the roped off area was were the throne had once sat, and the
room was the place that Christopher Columbus got his approval and
support for his voyage to the New World. I was amazed. I hadn't known
until then that he had dine this in Grenada, I just hadn't given it any
thought before. Anyway, the Alhambra was really amazing, and I think
that all the trouble that we went through to get there was totally worth
the trip.
--Orion Date
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
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Costa del Sol?
Costa de Agua Muy Fria is more like it.
Senor Tourism Minister? We wish to register a complaint.
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Monday, September 27, 2010
Check-in/OK message from S/Y Juno SPOT Messenger
GPS location Date/Time:09/28/2010 05:07:03 GMT
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
At the Sala de los Embajadores
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At the gates of the Alhambra
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Saturday, September 25, 2010
Learning to climb the rig
Dad: "Snicker, snicker" as powerboat wake rocks boat
Orion: "Seriously. This is sickening."
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Friday, September 24, 2010
Revving the motor
somebody put our alternator in. After fiddling around for a bit, he had
me start the engine. I had to bring it up to 1,200 RPM. Then 1,400 RPM.
Then 1,600 RPM. Then 1,800 RPM. Then 1,900 RPM. Then all the way back
down. ALL IN NEUTRAL. That is very bad for the motor. Vroom!
--By Rigel
The Lost Wrench
bracket. He got it for the 15 horse motor, which has always been a pain
to get on and off the dinghy. While we were installing it today, Dad
accidentally dropped our ¼ inch ratcheting wrench over the stern. What a
lot of cursing and swearing that caused. My ears are still tingling from
it. When he got done swearing we got out a magnet and tied on several
lines in a series. Then we fished around with it until we got it stuck
between two rocks, and got out my snorkeling gear and dived for it. This
got our magnet free, but yielded no results in the way of finding the
wrench, so then Dad jumped in. He couldn't find it either, so we decided
to wait for tomorrow morning and try again when the sun had a better angle.
--Orion Date
Craftsman 1/4" drive ratchet wrench
You suppose Sears will replace it if we show them this picture?
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
for a few days, and plenty of attractions and art as well. The biggest
attraction seems to be the Moorish castle up on the hill. We plan to
visit it tomorrow, and that will probably be a blog entry from my
brother. It's a very nice place to spend a few days, and we were
planning on going to Grenada tomorrow, except they are totally sold out
for tomorrow and Friday, so we will have to go on Sunday. We may be able
to visit the castle this evening, but I am at this moment watching for
the guy who is coming to look at our radar, and if he comes too late, we
will have to go tomorrow. I'm looking forward to Gibraltar, and also to
the Canary Islands and Cape Verdes.
--Orion Date
Nice and Cozy
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
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At the Club de Mar de Almeria
The younger crew of Juno are overjoyed because marina life means unlimited electricity. And (like here) wi-fi.
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Monday, September 20, 2010
Long passages
--By Rigel
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Check-in/OK message from S/Y Juno SPOT Messenger
GPS location Date/Time:09/20/2010 08:53:27 GMT
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Click the link below to see where I am located.\-1.97861
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Sunday, September 19, 2010
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Crossing the Prime Meridian
This morning on my first watch of the day, we crossed into the Western Hemisphere. It was about 10:06 A.M., and I had just come on watch from ten to eleven. Dad popped his head up and asked me to look at our longitude on the GPS. I looked, and immediately noticed that it read only 0.1 minutes east. We were heading west, and so we were only one tenth of a nautical mile from the Prime Meridian. This would only take us a minute to traverse, and I started reading off the numbers as it got closer and closer to zero. Then, it flicked through the last digits and the little E turned to a W, and we had sailed across the Prime Meridian. Now we are getting ready for a second night at sea and still on course to Cabo de Gata.
--Orion Date
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GPS location Date/Time:09/19/2010 16:09:46 GMT
Message:Juno's latest position:
Click the link below to see where I am located.\-0.65219
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Saturday, September 18, 2010
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Friday, September 17, 2010
One Year Previously...
We were just about where we are now. We had just gotten to Formentara and were anchored where we are now, on the eastern side of the long spit that extends towards Espalmador. It's an excellent anchorage with a soft sand bottom, and most of it is only five meters deep. Only days before we had left our comfortable anchorage in Cabo de Gata, and stopped at Torrevieja for some provisions and shelter. We had had a wonderful time at the cape of the cat, and were hoping for more at our new anchorage. This was the place where we saw the boat that was washed up on the beach due to tying up to a mooring incorrectly. It had lost its keel and was being prepped to be put back in. nevertheless, we were plenty cautious when picking up a mooring in that same mooring field. Anyway, we have reached the point where we are in the exact same place that we had been one year previously.
--Orion Date
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Last sunset in the Balearics
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Thursday, September 16, 2010
Rigel's veiw about life-Chapter One: bellypoppers and tummyboomers
A tummyboomer is different. It has a smaller rotating thing on the front and makes a farting sound as it flies. They don't stop moving unlike bellypoppers, which can, and they are often faster. Some call these things airplanes. I don't.
--By Rigel
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Check-in/OK message from S/Y Juno SPOT Messenger
GPS location Date/Time:09/16/2010 15:32:19 GMT
Message:Juno's latest position:
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Ibiza (again)
I have had a lot of "again"s recently. First it was Vulcano, then Mahon, then Formentara, and now here. This afternoon we anchored in a smallish bay directly adjacent to Ibiza harbor. It's the opposite side from the old town, which creates a problem of getting there. We will probably walk, and that takes half and hour, but there is a ferry that we took on the way back last time we were here. We have two small supermarkets nearby, and there are probably several bigger ones in town. Anyway, it's nice to be back to a town again, since we haven't been near one since Mallorca.
--Orion Date
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Check-in/OK message from S/Y Juno SPOT Messenger
GPS location Date/Time:09/15/2010 13:06:27 GMT
Message:Juno's latest position:
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The next level
-- By Rigel
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Moorings versus Anchors
We are not anchored this time, and we are not docked. We are on a mooring, quite different form an anchor, for several reasons. One is that moorings are permanent, whereas anchors are usually not. An anchor can be permanent, but I would not like to use one permanently. A mooring on the other hand, is by its design permanent. A good mooring is an inverted mushroom buried in the sand bottom of a harbor. A bad mooring is a large concrete block on the bottom, and is not usable for anything bigger than a small fishing boat. I have seen both kinds, and now that I think about it, its really only the inverted-mushroom type mooring is permanent. The concrete block kind is worse than an undersized anchor.
--Orion Date
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A change
Some would say, "You should have been to the mall, dude!" I couldn't disagree more. I hate malls for one thing, and for another thing, how would they know what it's like? It's fun now that I have my sea legs, which if for another post.
-- By Rigel
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Sunday, September 12, 2010
At anchor
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GPS location Date/Time:09/12/2010 12:17:18 GMT
Message:Juno's latest position:
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Saturday, September 11, 2010
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GPS location Date/Time:09/12/2010 05:46:49 GMT
Message:Juno's latest position:
Click the link below to see where I am located.
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This may seem odd to you, but I am extremely happy about something involving doughnuts. Two days ago I found a box of four doughnuts at a supermarket in Palma. I read the label as always, just hoping for the odd chance that it wouldn't have eggs. Then I read it again. And again. Nowhere on the ingredients list did I see the words "huevo" or "cacahuetes", these being the Spanish words for eggs and peanuts. For those who don't know, I have a deadly allergy to peanuts, and am slightly less allergic to eggs, among other things. For the first time in a year and a half, I had found doughnuts that I was not allergic to. The doughnuts totally disappeared that night, being eaten by Rigel and I during a movie. Yesterday I got another package, and those will probably suffer a similar fate to their predecessors tonight.
-- Orion Date
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Thursday, September 9, 2010
Remember Easyjet [stinks] ?
collection of hotels I've seen in the Balearic Islands. There are even
these two tall, thin towers that have light patterns going up it at
night. Hopefully this is where we will finally be able to reprovision.
The last big provisioning run was in Mahon, and I am quickly running out
of pasta. This may seem petty, but Rigel and I have pasta with olive
oil, salt, and pepper, or pasta with butter, cheese, and salt
respectively for lunch every day. And we never have anything else, we
never have. I only have six or seven days worth left, and that is not
enough to get us very far. So, all in all, I'm glad that we have arrived
at a major city.
--Orion Date
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Check-in/OK message from S/Y Juno SPOT Messenger
GPS location Date/Time:09/08/2010 18:59:30 GMT
Message:Juno's latest position:
Click the link below to see where I am located.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010
An Eventful Anchorage
Eventful indeed! On entrance we have an engine failure, and it was almost impossible to get out at all! As we were circling the narrow anchorage with Time Warp, we were finishing a turn when the engine suddenly shut down with a series of urgent beeps from the engine panel. Immediately we dropped the main anchor and rowed the secondary out with the dinghy. When Dad got into the dinghy we know instantly what had happened: the long painter for the dinghy had been slack dangling over the rail, and it had been pulled into the propeller and yanked tight, stopping the engine within a few seconds. Dad cut the line with his rigging knife, and continued with the anchor. Then the man on the boat behind us got on scuba diving equipment and cut lose the line. Ever since we had a mean German guy in Sibari all winter, we have been ill-disposed towards Germans. On the back of the boat behind us there was a flag with three horizontal stripes of the colors black, yellow, and red. There goes the German stereotype of the family. When we tried to leave the anchorage today, we couldn't get the primary anchor out. Reason being, it was stuck under a rock. Again. The last time this happened was in the Azores, and we managed to bend the shank almost 90 degrees. This time, Dad dove on it and gave me directions to pull it out, then hurried back on board. Thankfully there was no damage to the anchor. We have learned our lesson about pulling on the anchor with the engine.
--Orion Date
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Check-in/OK message from S/Y Juno SPOT Messenger
GPS location Date/Time:09/07/2010 09:50:53 GMT
Message:Juno's latest position:
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Sunday, September 5, 2010
At anchor in narrow
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Saturday, September 4, 2010
Don't look up

And Orion will look up and see all the stalactites pointing down. This is at the Cuevas del Drach
[wiki]in menorka. If you follow the link and choose English, you will see that it says "Cave of the dragons". We went and got some tickets and we had to wait for about a half an hour before we went into the entrance. We went on a path that led through the cavern. It sloped down until it reached the bottom, then it went back up to this amphitheater. At points in the path, there were these stalactites pointing down like dangling spears. Back to the amphitheater. There was some info about the cave, then some boats came in with lights all over them. One of them had a symphony of three: a violin, cello, and a keyboard. When they were finished, you can get a ride on the boats to the exit.
After a passage of 7 hours and 35 miles, we arrived in Porto Christo at around 3:00 in the afternoon yesterday. We are no longer in Menorca, we are in Mallorca, and a largish port at that. We are quite fortunate, there is a supermarket and several restaurants on the waterfront. Ever since we were in Ibiza on the way to Italy last year, I have been very wary of Mallorca. Apparently, Ibiza and Mallorca backed the winning side in the Spanish civil war, and they were rewarded by being built up. Menorca backed the other side and was not as built up as the other two. Apparently just about everything is expensive in Mallorca, at least the groceries are. We will soon find out about the other things that we need, though I dearly hope that this does not turn out to be the case.
--Orion Date
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Friday, September 3, 2010
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GPS location Date/Time:09/03/2010 16:41:11 GMT
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Thursday, September 2, 2010
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