Sunday, August 22, 2010

Return to Mahon

Return to Mahon

We have sailed across the gap and have returned to the harbor of Mahon. We were here last year on the way into the Mediterranean, and there has not been much change since then. They seem to have upgraded the floating island nearest to our anchorage, now it has electricity stacks. There are also many more boats here, but last time we were here during the off season. Now Mahon is a busy port, with cruise ships coming in and out every so often, and there are a lot of cruising boats and charter boats alike that visit the famous port. We even saw a big Star Clipper, the bi cruise ships that have sails and can actually move pretty fast under them. We made a huge grocery run today, and had to brig a suitcase to fit all the heavy stuff in. I found dark chocolate Kit Kats here, and we bought twenty of them. We love them, so they may possibly last us until Gibraltar, maybe. The next time we will be in a famous port will be Gibraltar, so we'd better enjoy Mahon while we can.
-- Orion Date
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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